2022 OAFO Annual Business Meeting AND Dinner/Awards Banquet
It's time to welcome everyone back for the 2022 Annual Meeting for the Ohio Association of Football Officials.
The nastiness of Covid is behind us, and it's time for all of us to get back together. Truth be told... we all miss one another and the smiles/laughs that are always around during an OAFO function.
What is the agenda? Awards will be given to new members, 20 years of service, Life membership, and Presidents award. You won't want to miss this event acknowledging you and your colleagues from the OAFO.
- Business Meeting - 2:00p to 3:00p
- Social Hour - 3:00p to 4:00p
- Dinner / Awards - 4:00p to 6:00p
Who should attend? All members of the OAFO are eligible to attend the business meeting and dinner and we would really like to see you there. The dinner will be buffet style and drinks are provided by the OAFO during the social.
We are currently working on a block of rooms for those that may be interested. Please stay tuned for if/when a hotel block becomes available.
What should I wear? Dress is business casual. Khaki's and a polo shirt is fine. Please, no shorts, t-shirts, muscle shirts, or halter tops. Kilt's in honor of our friend, John Crispino, are always welcome.
Is there a hotel for overnight accommodations? Hotels may be reserved by registering at this link, and are the responsibility of the member:
The deadline to register for dinner is May 7, 2022.